Saturday, August 4, 2012

BlackBerry Torch 9800

The BlackBerry Torch is not the first phone to give you both a full hardware QWERTY keyboard and an ample touchscreen in a smartphone setting. But it’s a debut for BlackBerry and one that will probably shape the future for the next generation of RIM phones. The supplied 6th version of the BlackBerry OS is looking to balance user-friendliness and performance, tradition and creativity in the latest BlackBerry touch products.

Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab preview

Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab hands-on
Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab is Samsung’s move onto the tablet warfield and luckily we are right here in the battle fray to give you first-hand scoop from the announcement event. Some might argue that it’s rather a step down from laptops but the Samsung Galaxy Tab smartphone DNA is obvious from the moment you touch it.

Samsung C3300K Champ

Sometimes less is more. The Samsung C3300K Champ lets you start small, hoping that sooner or later you will want more. It’s a deal that suits Samsung fine. This here Champ is a touch phone with social networking support, stereo speakers, cordless FM radio and a memory card, camera and Internet. And the sticker price is as low as it gets.

Nokia N8 First look

We were almost starting to suspect mobile phones of giving up and playing soft. They seemed unstoppable you know. They went from 5 to 12 in no time and there was nothing to suggest that digicams will ever get a timeout for a much needed breather.

Motorola MILESTONE XT720


The original MILESTONE was the lifeline by which Motorola pulled themselves out of their deathbed. And now the once ailing giant breathes again – but is in no mood to rest or make peace. Instead, it’s breathing fire on the enemies.
Motorola had itself a true droid army in almost no time – and the best thing is it’s not an army of clones. Creative designs and rich equipment helped the company make an emphatic comeback, and the XT720 is focused on keeping up that momentum.

HTC Aria Review: The Little Tenor


First we were hit by a Wildfire, now we’re being soothed by an Aria. The HTC Aria shares a lot of DNA with the HD mini, but makes the jump to Android and is ready to take on compact touchscreen mid rangers.

Nokia E5 Review: Textbook Texter


Email used to be a part of the corporate world and now it’s increasingly becoming an essential means of communication for the lot of us – not just the white-collar kind. So if you can’t fight it, the best thing to do is get yourself properly equipped – and the Nokia E5 is the right tool for the job. It’s no old timer either, it knows how to deal with those newfangled social networks as well.
The E5 has skill to match the E72 down to the last spec. OK, almost. Some features have sure taken a hit (what’s with the fixed-focus 5MP camera), but that’s something most people can live with considering the lower price of the E5.